
Discover the power of Aqualyx, the leading fat-dissolving injectable designed to effectively reduce localised fatty pockets beneath the skin’s surface. Ideal for treating stubborn fat in areas like the back, stomach, hips, thighs, knees, chin, and breast area, Aqualyx offers a non-surgical solution for body contouring.

Shop now at Nu Derma Supply to buy Aqualyx and start transforming your body with our high-quality, professional-grade dermal products.

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Buy Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Products Online – Effective Non-Surgical Body Contouring

 Aqualyx offers a revolutionary approach to non-surgical fat reduction, providing targeted and effective results. By understanding its applications, benefits, and potential side effects, medical professionals can make informed decisions about incorporating Aqualyx into their practice. 

Buy Aqualyx products from trusted suppliers like Nu Derma Supply to ensure the highest standards of quality and patient care.

What Is Aqualyx?

Aqualyx is a fat dissolver manufactured by the Italian firm Marllor Biomedical. It primarily consists of deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally present, which helps to break down and absorb dietary fat. This unique formulation enables Aqualyx to safely and effectively dissolve fat deposits, offering a non-surgical solution to body contouring.

Indications – Where It Is Used

Aqualyx is versatile in its dermal applications and can be used to treat various areas, such as:

  • Face: Targets small, stubborn dermal fat deposits, helping to contour and refine facial features.
  • Lips: Reduces adipose deposits around the lips to enhance their shape and appearance.
  • Neck: Commonly used to eliminate double chin and sculpt the jawline for a more defined look.
  • Buttocks: Helps in contouring and reducing fat in the buttock area, providing a more toned appearance.
  • Back: Effective in treating fat in the bra area and other localised fatty pockets on the back.
  • Stomach: Targets abdominal fatty deposits, aiding in achieving a flatter, more toned stomach.
  • Hips: Reduces fat in the hip area, enhancing the overall contour.
  • Thighs: Works to slim down the thighs, reducing cellulite and improving leg shape.
  • Knees: Eliminates fat around the knees, helping to create a more streamlined leg profile.
  • Chin: Specifically used to treat submental fat (double chin), improving chin and neck definition.
  • Breast Area: Can be used to reduce adipose deposits in the male breast area (gynecomastia).

Product Range

The most common packaging is AQUALYX (10*8ml). The pack includes 10 vials, each containing 8 ml of the product. This allows for flexibility in the amount used per session, depending on the treatment area and the extent of the fatty deposits.

Benefits of Using Aqualyx

The benefits of using Aqualyx are numerous and include:

  • Natural ingredients: Includes deoxycholic acid, naturally found in the body.
  • Non-surgical: No need for invasive procedures or general anaesthesia.
  • Targeted fat reduction: Specifically targets localised adipose deposits.
  • Long-lasting results: Combined with a healthy lifestyle, results can be maintained for an extended period.
  • Versatility: intended for multiple areas of the body.
  • Minimal downtime: Quick recovery period, allowing patients to return to their routines.
  • Short procedure: A treatment can last around 30 minutes.

Longevity of the Results

The results of Aqualyx treatments can be long-lasting, especially when paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Many patients experience permanent fat reduction in treated areas, as the dissolved adipose cells are naturally processed and eliminated by metabolism.

Potential Side Effects

Like any medical treatment, Aqualyx may have side effects, which are generally mild and temporary. These are localised to the application area and may include:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Discomfort at the injection site
  • Itching
  • Skin irritation

These side effects typically resolve within a few days post-treatment.

Contraindications for the Treatment

Certain conditions may contraindicate the use of Aqualyx, including:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Severe liver or kidney disease
  • Blood disease with chronic blood loss
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Severe obesity
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Long-term use of certain medications, like anticoagulants
  • Acute infections
  • Hypersensitivity to deoxycholic acid or any other ingredients in Aqualyx.

Talk to your patients and assess their overall health to determine whether they are perfect candidates for Aqualyx treatment. 

Who Can Purchase Aqualyx

Aqualyx can be purchased only by licensed medical professionals such as doctors, dermatologists, and aesthetic practitioners. This ensures proper use, safety, and efficiency of the product with minimal complications. 

Nu Derma Supply shop is a reliable and reputable source to order Aqualyx online, ensuring high-quality dermal products for professional use.