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Regulation, Properties, and Applications of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Cosmetic injectables such as dermal fillers have gained significant popularity in recent years. Hyaluronic acid stands out as the most widely utilized type, representing over 92% of all dermal fillers in the United States by 2015. 

This article explores several aspects of hyaluronic acid fillers, including regulatory oversight, physical attributes, applications, and a brief overview of other FDA-approved categories of dermal fillers.


Dermal fillers face significant regulatory challenges, particularly in the UK where they are classified as medical devices rather than drugs. This categorization exempts them from rigorous EU safety standards, such as those set by the General Product Safety Directive and the Care Quality Commission. As a result, practitioners often rely on guidelines from the US FDA, though this approach is constrained by limited FDA approvals for specific hyaluronic acid fillers. Consequently, practitioners frequently exercise clinical judgment over strict adherence to regulatory guidelines.

Hyaluronic Acid in the Body

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a vital component of the body’s extracellular matrix, comprising long chains of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. HA’s molecular weight affects its functions; high-weight HA reduces inflammation and promotes angiogenesis, while low-weight HA may increase inflammation. About half of the body’s HA resides in the skin, providing hydration, turgor, and protection against UV damage. Its turnover rate is substantial, with a third of HA being metabolized daily, regulated by synthases and hyaluronidases. Hyaluronidases, like Hyalase, are used for reversing HA fillers, with microbial and human-derived forms considered safer options.

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

HA dermal fillers are synthesized from HA chains cross-linked with substances like BDDE or DEO, suspended in a buffer solution. Manufacturers vary in their methods, producing fillers with distinct properties of particle size, cross-linking, and concentration. These characteristics dictate filler performance, with some stabilized without chemical agents to reduce hypersensitivity risks.

Dermal Filler Rheology

The rheological properties of fillers, such as complex modulus and cohesivity, influence their performance under external forces like compression and shearing. Filler suitability varies by facial area; for example, cheek fillers need high elasticity and low viscosity, while lip fillers require spreadability and low cohesivity.

Non-hyaluronic Acid Fillers 

Other fillers, such as calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), offer different efficacy and safety profiles. CaHA fillers, like Radiesse, are non-immunogenic and last approximately 12 months, while PLLA stimulates collagen synthesis for up to two years, necessitating multiple sessions. Less common fillers include PMMA, collagen, and others, each tailored for specific aesthetic indications.

Considerations Prior to Treatment

Certain patients, such as those with infections or hypersensitivities, are unsuitable for HA fillers. Risk factors like immunosuppression or autoimmune diseases require closer monitoring due to potential complications. Serious adverse effects include infections, nodules, and vascular compromise, which may necessitate surgical intervention.


Despite regulatory challenges, HA fillers remain pivotal in aesthetic medicine due to their adaptability and safety profile. The diversity in filler technologies enables practitioners to select tailored treatments for optimal patient outcomes.

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